
Barrie Family Photography | The Path We Walk Together

I’ve known Wendy for a long time. We go back to the golf course days; driving around the back nine on rickety old cart slinging the cold, bubbly stuff to parched golfers. Saving every penny for school and ski bummery that lay ahead.

Oh how far we’ve both come.

So here I was, camera in hand documenting Wendy and Bryan’s newest little adventure together, choosing the most perfect location for their session. The forest trail just behind Wendy’s childhood home in Barrie, the trail she’s been walking since she was a little girl, the trail she and Bryan walked together in the early years of their relationship, and now where they walk with their little girl in their arms and two fur babies in tow.

Spending some time with these 5 not only made me appreciate how much love an exist between one family, but truly made me thankful for the work I get to do for others and how it’s brought me back together with people I cared so much for in the past. Sharing in the excitement of the new chapters of their story I would have never been otherwise able to see.

Thanks you guys! It was a pleasure.